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Appdupe Reviews -3 Tips for launching a successful ‘Uber for Trucking’ App in the US Logistics Industry

Appdupe Reviews

                      Gone are the days when we waited long to get our shipment delivered. Waiting for days to receive the shipment demanded the need for a quick and flexible business model. However, the scenario has changed, and we can track our shipment right away with a single tap. Also, same-day delivery is made possible.

                       Automation technologies drastically changed the logistics industry in the US, leading to its growth in the last few years. As a part of it, on-demand delivery apps have also made it easy to meet the demand of the customers.

Make proper use of job scheduling solutions

The conventional way of having brokers for arranging shipments are time-consuming and expensive. To enable timely delivery of shipments and manage any numbers of vehicles without hassles, make use of job scheduling solutions.

Adopt blockchain technology

The advent of blockchain technology has enabled the logistics industry to rely on digital contracts. The use of this technology advancement in the Uber clone app creates transparency among stakeholders like manufacturers, suppliers, warehouse managers, customers, and others.

Go for interactive feature integration

Interactive add-on features are a must to integrate with the freight app to engage a larger audience. The integration of voice-controlled chatbots assists in various purchase points of the supply chain, from shopping to receiving the shipment. Also, other essential features facilitate the seamless functioning of the app.

Other add-on features include:

Registration and login
List of vehicles
Vehicle booking
Location tracking
Route optimization
Fuel finder
NFC and QR code reader
Support for multiple languages

For More Information Visit Us : 


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